Thursday 19th
15:00–16:30 CET

- Redução do risco de incêndio em Alvares. Um exercício de ecologia translacional, José M. Cardoso
- Cambio Climático e Inundaciones: Certezas e Incertidumbres en el Camino a la Adaptación, Gerardo Benito
- Increasing risk of droughts in the Mediterranean under climate change, Ricardo Machado
- El efecto del calor sobre la salud humana, Ana M. Vicedo
Extreme weather events are increasing as a result of climate change. Indeed, attribution studies conducted for each extreme event indicate that climate change is already one of the causes of over two-thirds of such events, and predictions suggest that, as global warming continues, extreme events will increase.
As these events cause the greatest disasters, adaptation needs to be seen as a priority. The nature of climate change is such that the models of the past are no longer applicable and, in many ways, we have to proceed with uncertainty. In any case, adapting to extreme events is a so-called “win-win” activity because, even if worst case scenarios don’t occur, we will be prepared for what the future may bring.
This session will focus on four of the major extreme events that cause significant human loss and damage to property and the environment: droughts, floods, heat waves and fires. The session will take a close look at how they are triggered, what are the future perspectives and what actions are being and could be taken for us to be ready when they do occur.
Coordinated by
Jose Manuel Moreno Rodríguez, Professor of Ecology, University of Castilla-La Mancha
- Jose Miguel Pereira, Centre for Forestry Studies, Higher Institute of Agronomy, University of Lisbon
- Gerardo Benito, National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC
- Ricardo Trigo, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
- Ana María Vicedo Cabrera, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern